Update on Cameron Deacon’s “Camily” harassment

Here is my decision regarding which measures to take after what I witnessed and went through in the past weeks. I hope this will be the final one.

Since I don’t know if Cameron regrets what happened, because his attitude on social media showed the complete opposite, I compiled this report for the Camily that analyzes the situation of the asks, my replies, the seriousness of the harassment in my regards by the Camily and cyberbullying. 

I believe that this shouldn’t be swept under the rug because it could’ve hurt someone else besides me, including Cameron’s parents, but I also believe in communication and giving a second chance. I want to be certain that this doesn’t happen again, though, especially after talking to fans upset by the situation, people of every age, teachers, police officers, mums.

With this report, I want to make sure Cameron realizes what he has unleashed by reading things with superficiality and accusing me of being a hater. The repercussions of harassment on people, the legal repercussions of cyberbullying. His influence on his followers.

I don’t care if he doesn’t apologize to me, it’s up to his own conscience and reputation. What I care about is that the environment in the Camily becomes less toxic, so that other people don’t get hurt, either members of the Camily or external – but especially minors.

IF Cameron has genuinely realized what truly happened, I’d like to know if he’s willing to make a post or a video that will remain on his profile where he addresses this report and makes a reflection on the events that took place in these past days and also that he explains it to his followers, particularly focusing on:

  • – The difference between hate, opinions, criticism
  • – Seriousness and harm of cyberbullying
  • – The power of social media and how to responsibly be an “influencer”
  • – His reaction in case someone waves a supposedly slanderous blog in his face again (example: will he read it properly first?)
  • – Calling out all of those that engaged in offensive words and actions.

(Their virtual identities are shown in the pdf file, it would be appreciated a comment under Cameron’s post by each of them as well)

Other requests from me and the Tumblr community for the future:

– Find a way to allow freedom of speech, expression and exchange of opinions. Accept criticism and disagreeing opinions, especially understanding that they not necessarily come from a hater, but also from a fan or a friend. This to avoid future possible misunderstanding, harassment and censorship of opinions in the Camily, because I was reached out by people disagreeing with the methods used that were afraid to ask the bullies to stop.

– I know there are also reasonable people in the Camily, but the fact that this situation was blown out of proportion despite that, should be seen as a wake up call. There must be a way to contain the underage fans or those who get easily emotional in similar cases. A solution is to add moderators to check on the content of the private chats, the streams, Cameron’s social media profiles like Instagram. Two moderators over their mid 20s would ensure a mature judgement but also would ensure that decisions won’t come from a single point of view. Obviously not someone who supported Cameron with the harassment.

If this situation continues in the future, towards me or anyone else, I’ll come to the conclusion that proper measures haven’t been applied and that Cameron isn’t promoting a less toxic atmosphere. Therefore I’ll have to act in a different and more resolute way.

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