Thank you.

leopardprintismybrown: In the last three months I have temporarily turned my blog into a space to raise awareness on the harassment I received from Cameron Deacon and his community called The Camily. I have also created an account on both Instagram and Twitter to reach as many people as possible with my message. I haveContinueContinue reading “Thank you.”

“be kind.”

tumblr user: I said a lot of this on instagram, but now that I’m not so pissy and angry, I’ll make a post about it here. And yes, this is in reference to Cameron Deacon bullying @leopardprintismybrown by proxy.  Specifically, I’m talking about the fence-sitters that are urging people to “be kind.” Or saying that the victim needs toContinueContinue reading ““be kind.””

“the bitch” who is “ruining their fun”

leopardprintismybrown: I have become aware that members of the Camily have still not taken on board my arguments and merely think of me as “the bitch” who is “ruining their fun”. No – what your “fun” does is help Cameron Deacon, an influencer that took advantage of his ascendancy to harass someone and potentially putContinueContinue reading ““the bitch” who is “ruining their fun””

“That’s why we’ve got you guys as moderators”

At the end of May I compiled a report expressively aimed at Cameron Deacon and accompanied by a message (that you can read here) where I express my concerns regarding the toxic environment in the Camily and where I stress the need to encourage freedom of speech and to add unbiased, adult moderators for all Cameron’sContinueContinue reading ““That’s why we’ve got you guys as moderators””

“So what kinda route can you go down legally if you wanted to?”

tumblr user’s ask:So what kinda route can you go down legally if you wanted to? Is that something you’ve looked into? 💕 leopardprintismybrown: Yes, I’ve looked into it and I considered different options and different opinions. I am not moved by revenge and resentment as they’re saying, I was dragged into this – and believeContinueContinue reading ““So what kinda route can you go down legally if you wanted to?””

Cameron Deacon’s merch store has been permanently deleted – for the second time.

Cameron Deacon’s merch store has been permanently deleted – for the second time. I wonder how many more times an impartial legal team has to take measures for the Camily to understand what is wrong behind their community instead of blaming me. I have become aware that members of the Camily have still not takenContinueContinue reading “Cameron Deacon’s merch store has been permanently deleted – for the second time.”

Cameron Deacon has no shame

Cameron Deacon has no shame and reuploaded his merchandise on the same website that deleted his stuff permanently, showing that he doesn’t even respect the staff of the platforms he uses to monetize. He also added a ridiculous note to justify that he profits from designs made for free by minors. *** tumblr user: I’ve stepped intoContinueContinue reading “Cameron Deacon has no shame”

Cameron’s answer №2

Cameron Deacon made his Instagram profile private. I know he recently blocked people that confronted him to prevent his followers from discovering the truth. I know he is saying I am spreading lies, though all I did was reposting screenshots of the things he and the Camily did to me. Don’t get me started withContinueContinue reading “Cameron’s answer №2”

For those who say that I am spreading lies

leopardprintismybrown: For those who say that I am spreading lies and that what Cameron did to me is not true because Cameron or Cameron’s friends said so: what kind of morals do you have? Do you really think that I had nothing better to do and decided to photoshop screenshots of the insults I received?ContinueContinue reading “For those who say that I am spreading lies”

I didn’t do anything to your friend, I just reposted their words

n-ixmh asked: How dare you. You can literally see that the comment on the live stream was a HARMLESS JOKE WITH NO MEANING. The only cyber bully here is you. What you’ve done to (John Deacon) or (JD) is unspeakable. You should be ASHAMED! leopardprintismybrown: I am also reposting your nice message in the private chat:ContinueContinue reading “I didn’t do anything to your friend, I just reposted their words”

As a former follower of Cameron Deacon’s on IG, I wanted to reach out to you and sincerely apologize for everything that has happened to you

blossom-melina-burnickel asked: This will be in several parts. As a former follower of Cameron Deacon’s on Instagram and somebody who was at that infamous IG livestream on May 18, I wanted to reach out to you and sincerely apologize for everything that has happened to you and for my very small role in the situation. IContinueContinue reading “As a former follower of Cameron Deacon’s on IG, I wanted to reach out to you and sincerely apologize for everything that has happened to you”

For those who still wonder why I am not letting Cameron and the Camily get away with harassing people and influencing minors :) Evidence of the Camily “already moving on” on 15th/16th June 2020 3 hours 46 mins Mentions of the Camily Cult and Cameron singing  “We’ll keep on streaming till the end, we are the camily don’t fuck with us, we will destroy you cause we are the Camily on Minecraft” to the melody of WeContinueContinue reading “For those who still wonder why I am not letting Cameron and the Camily get away with harassing people and influencing minors :)”

what she does is trying to prevent harmful influence on minors!

Comment by tumblr user about the situation: I know that this is going to be ignored as always but I can’t keep myself from writing it after what I’ve been witnessing lately. I want to make some points which probably won’t be read by a big part of the blogs here but as I believe theContinueContinue reading “what she does is trying to prevent harmful influence on minors!”

My harassment opened my eyes on more serious problematics that cannot be ignored

You know when someone starts an argument and half way through they realise they’re wrong but carry on defending themself anyway bc they’re stubborn?? I feel like a lot of the “camily” are that. Either that or they just don’t understand what you’re saying. // I can’t believe this is STILL going on, how longContinueContinue reading “My harassment opened my eyes on more serious problematics that cannot be ignored”

PLEASE READ: ” I just want people to be happy and forgive each other”

Some tumblr user: It’s sad how this whole Camily drama is still happening. Honestly, I’m not on any sides what so ever. But after reading a lot of things about and seeing how Cams fans acted was not right. The fact that most of you people are saying maybe bringing to John might make itContinueContinue reading “PLEASE READ: ” I just want people to be happy and forgive each other””

Update on Cameron Deacon’s “Camily” harassment

Here is my decision regarding which measures to take after what I witnessed and went through in the past weeks. I hope this will be the final one. Since I don’t know if Cameron regrets what happened, because his attitude on social media showed the complete opposite, I compiled this report for the Camily that analyzes theContinueContinue reading “Update on Cameron Deacon’s “Camily” harassment”

Violating privacy of John Deacon and hypocrisy

written by Daily mail hater, Mista Ducky. 5th November 2019 TEAM DEAKY test video (link on Cameron’s channel) ~16,242 views•Streamed live on Nov 5, 2019 Random comment: Hey everyone, so I know everyone is excited about hearing John, but let’s just keep his private life, well private. Let’s just not comment about it, it’s actuallyContinueContinue reading “Violating privacy of John Deacon and hypocrisy”

The short version of harassment by Cameron Deacon and his fans against leopardprintismybrown

written by user in IG The story is that leopardprintismybrown received a barrage of hateful messages including death threats and a threat to break her neck from Camily members after Cameron Deacon’s misinterpreted anon comments on her blog as her opinions of him. report.pdf download link The full story of harassment She has evidence ofContinueContinue reading “The short version of harassment by Cameron Deacon and his fans against leopardprintismybrown”

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