Violating privacy of John Deacon and hypocrisy

written by Daily mail hater, Mista Ducky.

5th November 2019

TEAM DEAKY test video (link on Cameron’s channel) ~16,242 views•Streamed live on Nov 5, 2019

Random comment: Hey everyone, so I know everyone is excited about hearing John, but let’s just keep his private life, well private. Let’s just not comment about it, it’s actually disrespectful.

Random comment: I don’t think he feels uncomfortable with that because in that case, Cameron will have the video deleted.

Yes, video is still available.


8th May 2020

THE CAMILY multistream (link on Cameron’s channel) ~2,708 views•Streamed live on May 8, 2020

Random comment: Guys, I know what you are thinking, that John interrupted his livestream again. Please, for the sake his privacy and his wishes, do not mention anything about it. I get it, we all miss John, but just set that aside.

Yes, video is still available.


11th May 2020

Jak & Dakster Precursor Legacy P1 “I can’t catch that damn Monkey!” [PS4]

THE CAMILY Jak & Dakster Precursor Legacy P1 ~2,229 views•Streamed live on May 11, 2020

Random comment: hi 2 your dad
Random comment: We did see the edge of his face. I hope people don’t go too mad.

Cameron: I really tried to stop that… he needs his privacy.

Yes, video is still available.


im over that people are calling me disrespectful on tumblr

Cameron Deacon

Some observations from random tumblr user:

 “I saw the stream the night Cam’s parents came on stream.

At first I saw it quite humorous with a boomer bumbling in, ignoring his surroundings. He almost seemed senile. But as the stream went on things got uncomfortable and my attitude changed. Cam’s parents were doing the right thing as loving parents. They came over because Cam has a history of not managing his diabetes properly. His father (his mother explained) was becoming worried about his son’s glucose levels and tried to contact him. When he wouldn’t pick up his phone his father became worried and the two went over.

Cameron was peeved and rude to them. I don’t think John cared about if people on the internet saw him. He was too focused on making sure his son wasn’t in danger and that his phone was charged. He only left when he knew his son’s levels weren’t too low and his phone was charging. He even mentioned off screen that he brought some treats (I have no idea what he said, and if it was a favorite sweet or what) from the store.

I’m just making an observation of a stranger peeking in, but I think it’s clear John adores his son. Maybe the scant bit of interaction I observed of John Deacon as a person (instead of Queen’s bassist) was of a devoted father who was telling his adult son “I love you, I want you to be happy and I will be devastated if anything happened to you” without saying it verbally. People have different ways of showing their love.

I know (per interviews with John) he experienced loss at a very young age when his father passed away. I don’t know John’s personal thoughts and relationship with Freddie Mercury and how his death affected him personally, but watching someone’s health decline due to AIDS is probably an upsetting and unforgettable experience. I bring these two examples up because this to me suggests Cam’s dad knows first hand how delicate and precious life is, wisdom that Cam seems blissfully unaware of due to his disregard of his parents’ anxiety. Cam obviously knows his father better than I can ever, but sometimes it’s good to have a different perspective.

On to Mama Deacon. Yes, she was shouting at her adult son while he was live on stream. Like Cam’s father, she was completely in the right.

When she said they were making sure Cam “wasn’t dead” and that Cam’s life was at stake, she was not being overly dramatic. If a diabetic’s blood sugar is too low their body can actually go into shock and than into a coma. If one doesn’t manage their diabetes this can happen and it can kill you. Diabetes is a life threatening condition.

I’m not a diabetic, and I’m sure it sucks and isn’t easy to manage.

Cameron is an adult at 27. His parents will not always be around to help him. If he wants to live by himself his priority should be learning to manage his diabetes without his parents’ help. His life literally depends on it. His glucose levels is far more important than his streaming career. Until he proves he can consistently manage himself to them his glucose levels are their business.

Additionally, since they pay for his flat it’s technically their’s and thus can come over when ever they want. If anyone was being “inappropriate” it was Cam.

His mother carried him for nine months, at age 43. For a woman her age, pregnancy can be risky and very hard on her body. She has cared for her son’s health issues, helped him through school and has loved him unconditionally. She seems to have done everything she can to protect Cam and pushed him to be the best person he can be. And this is only what I’m aware of.

At her age, she should only leave her home when completely necessary to protect herself from Covid-19, for she is in the age group most at risk. Her son wouldn’t even leave his chair to greet her. Do you know how my parents would react to me if I acted the way Cam did Sunday? Most people can only dream about the privileges Cam has.

Again, I don’t know everything about Cam’s life but what I saw was a mother and father trying to do what is best for their son.

If Cam is so concerned about his parents’ privacy, why didn’t he turn off his stream? He could’ve even walked off to talk to his parents rather than continuing to play and yelling at them from his chair? This whole situation can be solved simply by Cam answering his phone, keeping it charged or even walking off camera to talk to his parents rather than barking orders from his screen.

As I said earlier, to them their son seems more important to them rather than their privacy.

Cam makes such a big deal over their privacy but I think he also has to respect his parents’ feelings and all that they do for him. Part of respecting them should include making a better effort to take care of himself. Five hours without food excepting a bowl of cereal could give me low blood sugar to the point of trembling and not being able to concentrate. Since Cam did just that, maybe his parents’ concern of his blood sugar is not without merit. Cam mentions his mental health issues and depression. One of the ways to help stabilize his mood would be stabilizing his blood sugar.

The Camily should consider my words as they criticized Cam’s parents’ behavior.


How it works

Random comment:

I’m passionate about 1) Harry Potter books being better than the movies, 2) singing and acting, and 3) Queen
Oh, and 4) Cam being one of the best people alive !!!!

Random comment:


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Streamed live on Jul 28, 2020


2021 update


We can’t remove from internet the photos of John Deacon taken by Daily Mail, but his son can edit his videos. Cameron’s words about his father’s privacy protection are hypocritical.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Sincerely yours,
Mista Ducky.

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